Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Friday, August 19, 2011

Communicative-language teaching today tasks 14-16

Task 14
What problems does CBI pose for teachers?
As it was developed in the article, the biggest problem about the use of Content-Based Instruction is that whenever you are applying this teaching technique you cannot really assure that the students are going to get the language content or proper grammar, but you enable them to master in real life situations in which a proper response is required rather than using complex grammar structures.
What are some advantages and limitations of this approach in your opinion?
Proper student response in real situations, and contact to real language are the best advantages of the technique, but its limitation are focused in the inevitability of mistaking in grammar and limited simple language which are not good for students if in their real life application of the language are going to be exposed to written English that includes complex grammar structures and not everyday language.
Task 15
Do you make use of classroom activities that can be described as tasks in the sense described above?
Yes, when the level of the course allows it I normally perform activities that can be considered tasks for example:
·         Calling to a delivery service
·         Having videoconferences
·         Creating a research video
·         Creating a touristic documentary
·         Creating a music contest
What do you think are the characteristics of a good task?
·         It should contain an activity involving investigation
·         It must contain an activity involving interaction with another person
·         Have to be referred to a real world activity
·         It must contain different actions that enforce the acquisition of language in an oral or reading way
Task 16
Can you give other examples of each of the six types of tasks above?
·         Listing tasks. Students making a list of their favorite food for having a celebration.
·         Sorting and ordering. Students creating a list of the characteristics of a good teacher starting since the most important to the least.
·         Comparing. Comparing the teachers of primary school and high school.
·         Problem-solving. Students giving a solution of an actual problem in the country involving people’s interests.
·         Sharing personal experience. Students talking about the most embarrassing moment of their life.
·         Creative tasks. Students most design the perfect university campus.