Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Book analysis of INVICTUS by Conrado Colocho

The film tells the early years live in South Africa after the abolition of apartheid. After being released from prison in 1990, Nelson Mandela activist leader manages to arrive years after the presidency of South Africa, and from that position you have to build a policy of reconciliation between the black majority, who were oppressed under Apartheid, and the minority white, shown fearful of a possible revenge by the new government.
To this end, Mandela turns his attention to the South African rugby, known as “Springboks”.
Mandela realizes that black people attending the games “Springboks” just to support the contrary, something he was also recalled that when he was in prison.
Mandela decides to support the national team.
Mandela calls then the team captain. Francois Piennar, to a meeting in which he said that the triumph of the Rugby World Cup would be an achievement can unite and inspire a nation, and as proof of this, shares athlete with a poem written by William Ernest Henley called “Invictus” and that inspired him during his years in prison.
They doubt that rugby will be able to unite a nation that has been divided for 50 years by racial discrimination.
The team of the “Springboks” symbolizes the “white supremacy”. However, Mandela and Pienaar
The “Springboks” exceeded all expectations and qualify to the World Cup final, having to face the New Zealand team, the “All Blacks”.
Before the game, the “Springboks” visit Robben Island, the former prison where Mandela spent most of his 27 year sentence. The deeply moving experience to Pienaar, who is surprised by the fact that Mandela is a man able to forgive those who locked him in a cell for nearly 30 years.
Supported by both white and black, Pienaar motivates his team.
Just before the start, appears on the horizon a passenger plane. Fly over satin stadium, and its back shows the words “Good Luck Springboks”.
The “Springboks” won the game with a field goal kick.
Mandela and Pienaar gather on the field to celebrate the improbable and unexpected victory.
The city streets are filled with people in a unanimous conclusion regardless of race or social status.
The words of the poem “Invictus” are heard again in your mind.
I am the master of my fate.

I am the captain of my soul.

Black Light, book analysis by Marvelan Garcia.

Black light is a work with a strong social content  in which reflects the different sides of the coin, when two men are beheaded everyone to his way of life and attributing the same fate for the two characters that were lying alone without a good place where go after her tragic end or uncertain beginning...

The plot begins with the decapitation of these characters one accused of theft and one is an idealist, a revolutionary, which goes against the oligarchy, these characters have a unique similarity in their names which are Gother and Mother, after their fatal decapitation where their severed heads realize they still can talk, from here begins a struggle to know if only they have the ability to listen or someone else can hear them.

Then the characters paraded in front of them reflecting everyone a chance to see whether they can be heard the sweeper, who see and do not dare to utter a word because of the fears that had now.

An important point was the conversation with the blind person by not seeing is the only who strike up a conversation with security, the blind man is identified with reasons Gother the revolutionary struggle to tell his story about how he lost his wife and his eyes in a savage interrogation in his years as a military.

The plot takes a tragic connotation in the moment they realize they heard themselves but are still the whether it was the blind person the only one who could communicate with them ... death was not as they thought and in desperation they set out to find a word that shout to allay their doubts.

In conclusion the characters scream with their last breath and feel vanish forces and the last that remained of hope and vitality calling is used most of their ideal love ... ensuring a work of contrasts, constant differences , and a story that shows the different perspectives of two unequal individuals fighting for a life ...

WHO MOVED MY CHEESE analysis by William Vasquez

Instituto Tecnologico Centroamericano
Subject: 09 Intermediate English
Teacher: Julio Cortez
Student: William Balmore Vasquez Barahona

The Book is “WHO MOVED MY CHEESE” by Dr. Spencer Johnson
The mice:
Sniff: who sniff out change early.
Scurry: who scurries into action.
The little people:
Hem: who denied and resist change as he fear it will lead to something worse.
Haw: who learns to adapt in time when he sees changing leads to something better.

The story is about four characters, two mice (Sniff and Scurry) and two little people (Hem and Haw), who are in a maze with cheese deposits, every day running to Cheese Station which handled nurture and keep them happy.

One day the cheese is ended, then the mice Sniff and Scurry decided to follow his instincts, and sniff the new cheese through the maze, while Hem wondered "who had moved their cheese", he was hopeful that the remaining cheese and return happy, they did not accept the change thought that there were consistent and comfortable and did not need to look elsewhere where cheese was, after several days, Haw thought he would have to make a change, try to convince Hem but he refused to move himself, then Haw decided to make that change and so he did.
 Haw went in search of a new cheese, very scared because of the change, but determined to find happiness, while the mice had already found a deposit with enough cheese to feed.
 Haw ran through the maze in hopes of finding the new cheese while on travel to write phrases on the walls of what he was learning.
Realizing that making a change was not as bad as he thought, that motivated him to go in search of new cheese, Haw one day found an empty cheese stations and thought that had gone before had to seek enjoyed the cheese, return where Hem was to tell him what had happened, but thought it was dangerous Hem leave where he was, and he would not move from that spot until he returned plus cheese and things could get worse.
Haw said no more and return to the maze, until he finally found the largest station of cheese he had ever seen, there were mice enjoy the new cheese and could not believe it.
Haw decided to conduct daily inspections of the amount of cheese and investigated other stations had to happen again and not be aware of the change for the better.
These are the words he wrote on the wall:
Having cheese makes you happy.
The more important your cheese is to you the more you want to hold onto it.
If you do not change, you can become extinct.
What would you do if you weren't afraid?
Smell your cheese often so you know when it is getting old.
Movement in a new direction helps you find a new cheese.
When you move beyond you fear, you feel free.
Imagining myself enjoying the cheese, even before I find it, lead me to it.
The quick you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.
It is safer to search in the maze than remain in a cheese less station.
Old beliefs do not lead you to the new cheese.
When you see that you can find new cheese, you change course.
Noticing small change early helps adapt to bigger change that are to come.

Cheese is what we want in our lives, a good job, good pay, a house, a car, etc., the maze is where we seek our goals.

The characters in this story shows the different ways people act, one of them clung to not make a change in his life, was satisfied, comfortable and was afraid to make a change, however the other person felt differently, because the need to survive and be happy, he decided to make a change and take risks knowing that there were better opportunities for a better life, many of us think both ways at some time and make decisions that may be better if we risk a change whenever is to improve.

Analysis of the book Esther by Dony Osorio

Esther book
Base situation.

The book of Esther is a narrative book an important part of the history of the nation of Israel.
The Jews were then scattered throughout the territory of the Persian Empire which put them at a disadvantage against any malicious and perverse decision rulers or leaders.
But as they obey the laws and regulations of the town in which prisoners were all would be well for all Israel.
One day everything changes when two characters come on stage, Mordecai and Aman.
Aman, a man driven by his arrogant and self-centered way of thinking and a choleric personality, is a man of principle and simplicity of heart, this man's name is Mordecai.
Mordecai, moved by their principles, tended to maintain their integrity, demonstrated while caring for a young girl who stayed in the orphanage.
So one morning, while Aman enjoying his new role as arrogant ruler, he meets Mordecai, who worked on the door of the palace of the Persian king Asuero.

Regarding the socio-political situation of the time which was part of the Jewish people for being passively as slaves, the Persians had a military power that allowed this nation to become a powerful empire in the known world conqueror then.
King Xerxes invited all the princes to celebrate with him the conquest and subjugation of many peoples with their kings.

In a particular fact , the king wanted to introduce the beautiful queen had to wife .
Her name was Vashti.
The queen prepared its own celebration and call all her maids to eat and drink , and to talk about how great it had become.
When the king sent the queen to call him to the princes present, this he refused to obey , as the king's proposal would have been unseemly for her, since they probably had to walk naked in front of many men eager to satisfy their morbid mindset.

When the king heard Vashti 's refusal , this was very angry , and embarrassed that his own wife, Queen disobeyed him , though a direct order he had received , made ​​the decision that it was not the wife of the emperor more Asuero  queen nor the Persian nation .
The king's advisors , recommended him to the emperor , who did a contest in which they chose the most beautiful , submissive and wise maiden who occupied the throne that Vashti was lost, not only become the wife of the king, but also , came to be the queen of the mighty empire .
King consider the proposal very wise , because that way there would be a lesson not only to his ex-wife , but also the women of the kingdom , who upon hearing about Vashti 's disobedience , women rebelling and do according at will in homes, creating instability in society and loss of their values.
So that led to the choice of the future Queen the Persian Empire.
So they held a contest many call of beauty, in which thousands of aspiring to the throne were brought, and taught classified as necessary to be in court with the king and presented in a way relevant to the real issues .
Among the maidens appear Esther, who was not only physical beauty but inner beauty, which allowed him to win the favor of many for his humility and simplicity.
Once the election, Esther becomes Queen and wife of King Ahasuerus.
Its simplicity made ​​him win the favor of everyone who saw her because she was a persoan of principles and faith.
All had taught her uncle Mordecai who as we know, he was also a man with moral and spiritual values​​.
Aman Meanwhile , the cruel prince , enjoyed the admiration of the people, which made him a far worse man , and that his intentions was to take care of it and did not mind the rest of the people .
One day he discovered that the palace gate sat a man who every time he passed , not bent like the rest of the people to give respect and reverence.
This greatly upset the prince because he could not Mordecai will give you the adulation he needed .
So I began researching this man who was irreverent and why his rebellion against his person .
They said the name and nation , as well , who were slaves and who had been conquered by the Medes , in one of many military incursions that the rule of King Xerxes did in central Asia and Africa way .
This was enough to start an evil plan Aman would destroy not only Mordecai , but his family and the other Jews scattered by the Persian Empire .
Aman, every day I saw how to plan disgrace and destruction of those they regarded as a threat , so I came to King Asuero and proposed a lie about the people of the Jews.
King Asuero  without further research considered a threat , because who said it was one of the most important rulers and Aman 's proposal was to destroy the Jews .
The evil prince made necessary arrangements and investigate the date would be the best for his evil plan.

The emperor , a very vain and lazy , did not take the time to hear the case concerning the Jews , leave everything in the hands of the evil prince Aman, trusting their judgment and thinking it was better to end the threat.

Once the king gave written consent to the wicked governor, sent them to all cities by letters and very efficient mail system possessed at the time.
When everyone was aware , and Aman was satisfied that everything was going according to his evil plan.
The prince had also thought of giving a cruel death Mordecai, so prepare for enemy command a gallows so high that he could see all that passed by the house of the evil ruler.
All was well for Aman and that there were no doubt invite all your friends to tell as the king believed much more than the rest of their rulers, I prepare a big party and wanted to tell all of his plans to destroy Mordecai and all his fellow Jews.

Mordecai when he learned of the evil plan to Esther said she entered the palace with the king but this he had not called and begged for it, he and his nation.
Esther said it was a crime to do that, if someone came to the king without this I would have called, could lose life at that moment.
So Esther gave all to fast for three days and at the end of these, she would go to the king to plead for the life of the Jews and annul the evil plan of Aman.
One night the king Asuero could not sleep, so I asked him what they should read the chronicles of happened during the period of his government, so he began to hear each of the things and events that had occurred until I get the account of Mordecai discovered the conspiracy against the king , denounced this and so the king was saved from death.
The king asked : who was this man , as he recognized ? His servants told him that he had not been given any recognition.
So he wanted to give a good recognition and among the more thought as I could, Aman came to the palace with the intention of denouncing Mardoqueo and that this was hanged on the gallows he had prepared.
But before Aman speaking , the king asked him a question : as it should be to a man whom the king wishes to recognize.
Aman immediately thought that the king was thinking about him , so Haman also said , it's my chance to get the greatest recognition to the people , family and friends .
Aman said , the man who must honor the king owes dress the best outfit of the king, let her ride in the city on the king's horse and cry in front of him and be done with the man whom the king delights to honor .
The king loved the idea and told Aman, do exactly what you said to the Jew Mordecai and the welfare of the king try and save the life of the monarch.
Filled with anger and disappointment back home , and with more force exterminate thought Mordecai and all the Jews in Susa , which was the capital of the kingdom.

The date of the feast would last seven days came, and of course Aman was honored guests as they sit near the king and queen .
After the first banquet, Love did not enjoy at all always see Mordecai in the gate of the palace without bowing to honor him , so tell them to family and friends of all the favors and honors he had received from their Majesties the King and queen of Persia but also how annoying it was to know he was not revered by a man , Mordecai.
His friends told him that he proposed to the king to give him permission to hang him for being a traitor and infidel nation that would ( in the words of Aman) at risk to the powerful nation .
This seemed like an excellent idea , so when I came to bring to the second banquet, a smile on his face , imagining the moment when the king Asuero granted the desire to kill who he considered his enemy.
But everything changed suddenly, as the king Ahasuerus said to Esther would ask what she wanted and he would grant it , but she pretended not to have anything important to ask the king.
The king again said to Esther to ask what he would , and then she saw the determination of king said , I ask no more than the favor and mercy of the king, and that someone wants to kill me and my people , because the king is of agreement I have no more to ask for mercy.
The king arose very angry and she called for an immediate explanation of what was happening and to give the name of him who had dared to do such a cruel thing possible .

She told him that the evil and ruthless was his most distinguished prince Aman.
THE king could not believe it and left the banquet to the patio, with a lot of anger and disappointment at what he heard .
They love to feel exposed, was far princess was lying and fell at his feet to beg for mercy , at the precise moment when the king went to see the Queen . This scene was not pleasant for Ahasuerus who thought that the evil Haman wanted was abusing Queen Esther , so I asked Aman to take out of sight and put him in jail while investigating what this man had planned to do the Israelites .

This happened when I was near the date on which the Jews were to be exterminated so that Esther requested the king to spare the life of his countrymen.
In this way the king change the decision and allowed the Jews to defend themselves from attack.

The End
The evil Haman ended up being hanged on the same gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai.
Was made governor Mordecai and Esther as queen of the Persian Empire.

Daysi Miller Analysis by Veronica Perez

Daysi Miller
This novella serves as both a psychological description of the mind of a young woman, and an analysis of the traditional views of a society where she is a clear outsider. Typical American  young woman  in Europe,  Her name is Daisy Miller who is judged by social behavior.
The story is in Vevay, Switzerland,  when Frederick is bored by his life… And visited Europe for meet a women.
He meets the vivacious young Daisy Miller, a girl from  New  York  traveling through Europe with her clueless mother and badly behaved little brother, and his world is turned upside down. He likes Daisy, but her erratic, flirtatious behavior confuses and irritates him.
The following winter, he meets up with Daisy in Rome only to find she's been flirting like crazy with all of the Italian dudes. She starts hanging out a little too intimately and a little too publicly with an Italian social climber named Mr. Giovanelli. People start to talk, and Winterbourne is torn:  is she engaged to Giovanelli or not? He can't get a straight answer.
Winterbourne tries to get Daisy to tone it down and she makes fun of him for being boring. He almost loses it when he sees her out alone at night with Giovanelli at the Colosseum, a location where people typically contract Roman fever (malaria).

A few weeks later, she's sick , she's got malaria. When she dies, her mother passes on a message to Winterbourne: Daisy wanted him to know she was never engaged to Giovanelli. She in love to Frederick Winternbourne……

Book Analysis Violencia Intrafamiliar. By Graciela Martinez

Book Analysis.
Tirsa is the name of a girl what lived with her parents. Their names are: Carlos and Tania. Her father was alcoholic. He fights with his wife all the time. One of the things for what he fights is, because, he wanted a son, not a daughter. He thinks: “The boys are best that the girls” For him a son it was a proud. That is he hates a Tirsa. Also he is very very jealous. Once time a neighbor, gift food a Tania, and Carlos thought that he was the lover. But really the neighbor only wanted helps them. They were a poor family. So, Carlos decided killed the neighbor. Nobody wanted a Tania and Tirsa. Her Mother in law would rather other woman for her son. Tania was a nice person; her behavior was excellent with all, still with her husband, because she love him.  
When Tirsa was 15 years, her father began to abuse her. She has scare, because Carlos had told to he will kill his mother, and for this reason never talked with anyone about it. Until to her teacher, ask her, because the teacher saw that Tirsa was not the same girl of before. Later Tirsa talk with her mom. So, they decide to denounce to Carlos.
Spent a few months until her father gets jail. In this time she was a shy girl. But later when grew up, she decided be a different woman, she become a lawyer and defended the rights of people.

Violencia Intrafamiliar.
Oscar Martínez Peñate

Lidia Flores Montalvo.