Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Saturday, October 26, 2013

WHO MOVED MY CHEESE analysis by William Vasquez

Instituto Tecnologico Centroamericano
Subject: 09 Intermediate English
Teacher: Julio Cortez
Student: William Balmore Vasquez Barahona

The Book is “WHO MOVED MY CHEESE” by Dr. Spencer Johnson
The mice:
Sniff: who sniff out change early.
Scurry: who scurries into action.
The little people:
Hem: who denied and resist change as he fear it will lead to something worse.
Haw: who learns to adapt in time when he sees changing leads to something better.

The story is about four characters, two mice (Sniff and Scurry) and two little people (Hem and Haw), who are in a maze with cheese deposits, every day running to Cheese Station which handled nurture and keep them happy.

One day the cheese is ended, then the mice Sniff and Scurry decided to follow his instincts, and sniff the new cheese through the maze, while Hem wondered "who had moved their cheese", he was hopeful that the remaining cheese and return happy, they did not accept the change thought that there were consistent and comfortable and did not need to look elsewhere where cheese was, after several days, Haw thought he would have to make a change, try to convince Hem but he refused to move himself, then Haw decided to make that change and so he did.
 Haw went in search of a new cheese, very scared because of the change, but determined to find happiness, while the mice had already found a deposit with enough cheese to feed.
 Haw ran through the maze in hopes of finding the new cheese while on travel to write phrases on the walls of what he was learning.
Realizing that making a change was not as bad as he thought, that motivated him to go in search of new cheese, Haw one day found an empty cheese stations and thought that had gone before had to seek enjoyed the cheese, return where Hem was to tell him what had happened, but thought it was dangerous Hem leave where he was, and he would not move from that spot until he returned plus cheese and things could get worse.
Haw said no more and return to the maze, until he finally found the largest station of cheese he had ever seen, there were mice enjoy the new cheese and could not believe it.
Haw decided to conduct daily inspections of the amount of cheese and investigated other stations had to happen again and not be aware of the change for the better.
These are the words he wrote on the wall:
Having cheese makes you happy.
The more important your cheese is to you the more you want to hold onto it.
If you do not change, you can become extinct.
What would you do if you weren't afraid?
Smell your cheese often so you know when it is getting old.
Movement in a new direction helps you find a new cheese.
When you move beyond you fear, you feel free.
Imagining myself enjoying the cheese, even before I find it, lead me to it.
The quick you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.
It is safer to search in the maze than remain in a cheese less station.
Old beliefs do not lead you to the new cheese.
When you see that you can find new cheese, you change course.
Noticing small change early helps adapt to bigger change that are to come.

Cheese is what we want in our lives, a good job, good pay, a house, a car, etc., the maze is where we seek our goals.

The characters in this story shows the different ways people act, one of them clung to not make a change in his life, was satisfied, comfortable and was afraid to make a change, however the other person felt differently, because the need to survive and be happy, he decided to make a change and take risks knowing that there were better opportunities for a better life, many of us think both ways at some time and make decisions that may be better if we risk a change whenever is to improve.

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