Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Book Analysis Violencia Intrafamiliar. By Graciela Martinez

Book Analysis.
Tirsa is the name of a girl what lived with her parents. Their names are: Carlos and Tania. Her father was alcoholic. He fights with his wife all the time. One of the things for what he fights is, because, he wanted a son, not a daughter. He thinks: “The boys are best that the girls” For him a son it was a proud. That is he hates a Tirsa. Also he is very very jealous. Once time a neighbor, gift food a Tania, and Carlos thought that he was the lover. But really the neighbor only wanted helps them. They were a poor family. So, Carlos decided killed the neighbor. Nobody wanted a Tania and Tirsa. Her Mother in law would rather other woman for her son. Tania was a nice person; her behavior was excellent with all, still with her husband, because she love him.  
When Tirsa was 15 years, her father began to abuse her. She has scare, because Carlos had told to he will kill his mother, and for this reason never talked with anyone about it. Until to her teacher, ask her, because the teacher saw that Tirsa was not the same girl of before. Later Tirsa talk with her mom. So, they decide to denounce to Carlos.
Spent a few months until her father gets jail. In this time she was a shy girl. But later when grew up, she decided be a different woman, she become a lawyer and defended the rights of people.

Violencia Intrafamiliar.
Oscar Martínez Peñate

Lidia Flores Montalvo.

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