Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Book analysis The metamorphosis of Franz Kafka By: José Enrique García Arévalo

Book analysis
The metamorphosis of Franz Kafka
By: José Enrique García Arévalo
Principals: georgio samsa, grete samsa, father samsa, mother samsa
Secondary: Ana the service girl, the boss, the assistant, the family, the sister
About the book
The metamorphosis is a history about a traveler called georgio samsa,  one morning he wake up transformed in an insect monster, and not are a dream, is a real metamorphosis, georgio only have de exit to adapt himself to he new body
When he learn how to move it and what he like to eat the things will be easily but he don’t like the normal food, he like the rotten food, one example is when the sister give a lot of food he only like a rotten cheese
The sister, grete have de obligation to clean him room and give he food, and she do it because she loves her brother but with the time se try to evitate to enter to him room and she try with her father to the mother don’t enter in the georgio room because the mother hates the new appearance of gregorio but is her son and she try to look him
Passing the time the tings in the house became scarce because georgio pay all the things of the house, the light, the water de food and a debt to the parents have with him boss georgio only work there to pay the debt
As georgio not work de family be force to rent a room to three mans and try to greorgio don’t go out and do scare the guest, and the father be obligate to work but is difficult for him because he is so fat because he only pas in the sofa reading the newspaper
The sister of georgio plays the violin because the guest like how the girl play the violin, the family attending so good because they never have guest in the house and they really need the money
In me mayoriti of the time Giorgio pass alone in him room under a sofa but one the to the mother and the sister try to take out the tings of gregorio to he can move better in him room he try to protect an old portrait and the mother see he and she fainted, the father thinks to georgio attacks the mother and he try to throw it apples, he fail 3 apples and the final apple crash with georgio and broke the shell wounding him

In the entire book the family moved away georgio because they hate him new appearance and at the end of the book the family abandon georgio and he dead alone in the house 

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