Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Saturday, October 26, 2013

James Penney’s new identity analysis by Dalenin Ortez

James Penney’s new identity
The process that turned James Penney into a completely different person began at one in the afternoon on a Monday in the middle of June, in Laney, California.
There was one industry in Laney. James had worked there for 17 years. Now lies in wait to speak to the human resources manager, aware of the news that waits for him. The minutes seem endless, until the secretary called him, entered the office, sat down and had a short but heated conversation with Odell, the manager. He left the Odell’s office, hopeless and the payment of a month's work. Penney walked to get to the parking lot. Slide into his car and drove up to his house, thinking that the repo men would take the only prized possession that remained after his divorce, his car, was a red firebird, because it wasn't paid yet. When he came to his home a smoldering rage began to grow within him. Left his car and ran to the Kitchen took some matches and decided to do something crazy. He set fire to his house. For the time the firefighters arrived, Penney’s house and its two neighbors were totally destroyed. 
For the time Penney realized what he had done, he was in a motel room with only the clothes he was wearing, the payment of a month's work and his precious firebird. He decided to start over. Get a job, maybe eat less or at least cheaper, thought about buying work shirts, heavy boots, because he did not know what is going to face.
When he leaves the hotel to go for a breakfast, he realized that his precious firebird was gone, it was stolen. Desperated for a moment even thought about hitting the desk 'guy, but calm, he decided to go to the police. The nearest police station was two miles south. Upon arrival realized that the place was packed so he had to wait for his turn. While waiting get to see a poster with his name and face and the description of his firebird, police were looking for him for arson and criminal damage.
Penney was confused; he just burned his own home. He came out of there as fast as he could and ran down the road to left breathless. Stopped to think what he will do, they had three ways to trace, by his name, by his face and his car.
His car was stolen so it was not a problem, his face will change because he would not spend in buying a razor with the little money he had, so he decided to go into the forest, kicked a shallow hole and hid all his documents. Then he thought of what he had learned in his training as a veteran. He decides he would leave a trail false, up to Oregon maybe.
Penney way north for an hour at sunset and it was raining.

Suddenly heard a guy asking if he wanted a ride, he was a tall, muscular man, wearing a uniform, Penney was sad so he slides into the car. After answering a few questions Penney realized that the man was an army officer, a veteran like him. Penney now was scared because he believed that the military would arrest him. But the mysterious military offered him a new beginning, a new identity as Edward Hendricks (an ID taken in an operation). And that is how James Penney obtained a new identity.

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