Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Julio's TOEIC Preparation Course

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Murder on the Orient Express analysis by Elias Zapata

Agatha Christie – Murder on the orient express
Just to make a little summary of the protagonist of the book, Hércules Poirot, he’s a detective from Belgium, that came to England to seek shelter after the World War 1, because of the World War 1, he didn’t have a job anymore, but on England, he have the opportunity to work in a murder case (The first book of Agatha Christie, the mysterious affair at Styles), he work in there with a chief inspector of Scotland yard name Japp, and with his loyal partner Arthur Hasting, The Highlights of Poirot that he was a pretty good detective, he have a really good skill to observe pretty well even the little detail, at the end he was pretty helpful to solve the case, eventually when time start to pass, Scotland yard start to asking to Poirot for help more often, because he was really good (He was like a Sherlock Holmes, just, more human).
Now the case of the Murder on the orient express: Poirot after solve an important case on Siria (Because he came to be world wide famous), he was going back to London, because he was needed there, when he was on a hotel in Istanbul he tried to reserve a seat on the orient express, that was going to take him to London, but the train was full, but suddenly the owner of the train appears and recognize Poirot, he told to him, that he was coming with him in the train, and Poirot was able to arrive the train (The train was a luxury train, so it was only for 12 people), when Poirot was on the train, he meet a man name “Rachett” that tried to hired Poirot, because Rachett knew that someone was gonna try to kill him because he was a sinner man with plenty of money, Poirot refuse to accept the work offer, because he didn’t like the attitude of Rachett, that night, Poirot heard a scream from the Mr. Rachett rooms, but a voice in French said: It’s ok, I just have a nightmare;  later the woman in the room in front of the Poirot Room, ask for help to the attendant because she said that she saw the death in his room, just staring at her, Poirot woke up again because the noisy woman, and asked for a bottle of water, then he went to sleep again, when the morning came up Mr. Rachett was dead, by twelve wound stabs.
To explain this a little bit better, there were 13 people on the train 14 with Poirot (I forget to said that the train have a room that two people could sleep in there, the rest of the room, were for only one), Poirot start to interrogate everyone on the train, because the train was stuck by a stack of ice that was on the trail, Poirot was working on this murder case with a doctor, gynecologist, was the only doctor on the train, so Poirot make question to him about how the victim was murder,  the plot start to development, and to make this short, the doctor tried to deceive Poirot many times, like the wounds stabs, according to the doctor, were 15, but Poirot, with a lot of experience with murder case, he knew that was only 12, and that the murder wasn’t made just from one person, and later Poirot discover that Mr.Rachett wasn’t just a normal rich guy, his real name was Cassetti, and he five years ago on the United States, kidnapped a three years old girl, named Daisy Armstrong, and even know that theirs parents have paid for the rescue, he still murder the child, Poirot start to find out more things, that the people on the train, EVERYONE, except from himself and the owner, were related somehow with the Armstrong family (The Armstrong family died, the mother of sadness, and the father too after their child were brutally murder): this is the name of the people in the train

·         Hector Willard MacQueen, Ratchett/Cassetti's secretary, devoted to Sonia Armstrong; MacQueen's father was the district attorney for the kidnapping case. He knew from his father the details of Cassetti's escape from justice and intended to kill Ratchett.
·         Edward Henry Masterman, Ratchett/Cassetti's valet, was Colonel Armstrong's batman during the war and later his valet who also acted as butler to the Armstrong household.
·         Colonel Arbuthnot was Colonel Armstrong's comrade and best friend;
·         Mrs. Hubbard in actuality is Linda Arden (maiden name Goldenberg), the most famous tragic actress of the New York stage, and was Sonia Armstrong's mother and Daisy's grandmother;
·         Countess Andrenyi (née Helena Goldenberg) was Sonia Armstrong's sister;
·         Count Andryeni was the husband of Helena Andrenyi;
·         Princess Natalia Dragomiroff was Sonia Armstrong's godmother as she was a friend of her mother;
·         Miss Mary Debenham was Sonia Armstrong's secretary and Daisy Armstrong's governess;
·         Fräulein Hildegarde Schmidt, Princess Dragomiroff's maid, was the Armstrong family's cook;
·         Antonio Foscarelli, a car salesman based in Chicago, was the Armstrong family's chauffeur;
·         Miss Greta Ohlsson, a Swedish missionary, was Daisy Armstrong's nurse;
·         Pierre Michel, the train conductor, was the father of Susanne, the Armstrong's nursemaid who committed suicide;
·         Cyrus Hardman, a private detective ostensibly retained as a bodyguard by Ratchett/Cassetti, was a policeman in love with Susanne.

When Poirot find out all this things, everything make sense to him (He knew the case of the girl pretty well), and he discover, that all those people, join to make justice to girl, to murder Mr. Cassetti, all the twelve wounds, were by 12 persons, Poirot at 1 day that the machine to take out the stack of ice comes, discover everything and talk with those people, those people told Poirot that they did, what they did, because of justice, and that guy didn’t deserve to live after what his done, Poirot start to argue with they about they were right, that the girl needed justice but with the Laws hand, not theirs, eventually Poirot was thinking all the night if he should to turn they to the police because of what they done or not, morning comes, and Poirot exit the train and start talking with the police (the police came right next together with the machine to take out the ice, because the murder was reported) Poirot give him the evidence to the police, but he told them, that the killer arrive on the train on a stop they made on Belgrade, and leave the train right after they were stuck, so Poirot didn’t turn in the people, and Poirot just walk away from the police and the people of the train, but crying, because he knew he did the right thing, but not as the way as he would like it, as the Laws way.

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